Middleton Family Stuff

This is where friends and family can read about new happenings in the Middleton house, as long as I remember to write about them.


Catching Up

I used to see this license plate in the parking lot of Jack's preschool and I wanted it for myself:


That is me in a nutshell!

Katie has changed soooo much even since I last posted about her. She was just starting to be able to sit up briefly on her own. Skip to now, and she's an old pro. She is now starting to lean forward and balance on her hands and knees. Then she lays flat on her tummy and kind of inches along like a worm towards whatever object she's trying to reach (usually a Lego, crayon or strand of dog hair - ick). Then she rolls over on her back with this crazy look like, "It's mine! All miiiiiine!!!" and starts to pop whatever she just grabbed into her mouth. By this point, so far, it's usually snatched away by whoever is watching this whole scenario. But we really need to remember that just because it's sitting 3 feet away from her, doesn't mean she won't figure out how to get it. And honest-to-goodness crawling is probably just days away.

Teeth! We have teeth! 2 of them on the bottom. The poor baby is so desperate for things to chew on. It's disturbed her sleep (and ours) a little bit, but she's really handling the whole thing with her usual cheerfulness.

Jack is really enjoying her more and more. He sings to her when she's in her highchair, rushes to comfort her if she seems distressed or feels lonely, and just chatters away to her about whatever is going on in his life. He even sat and fed her cereal this morning while I rushed around to get things ready to go. Yes, we were running late. Big surprise!

(picture is from daycare)


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