Middleton Family Stuff

This is where friends and family can read about new happenings in the Middleton house, as long as I remember to write about them.


Awesome Jack!

Jack is doing so great in Kindergarten! Not that we are surprised at all. Like most schools, they have all kinds of rewards and incentives for kids to be on their best behavior. Jack is just an amazingly kind, good-natured kid (even though there are plenty of 5-year-old "moments," with the fart and penis jokes, funny faces and silly noises. hee.). That's why, despite the expense, we like having him in the Catholic school where respect for self and others is really important. Their "theme" this year is "This is Holy Ground." Yesterday the school had an assembly and Jack was picked from Kindergarten to get a Principal's Award. He was nominated by Mrs. B, the assistant K teacher, for writing love notes to the teachers to cheer them up. He was so proud! I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall, though, since he can get pretty nervous when all eyes are on him. Then this morning, he showed me a box that he keeps in his cubby filled with little "good job" coupons. They hand out the coupons during the week and then Fridays they can use the coupons for a treat. He's got quite the stash going.

Last week he got really brave and decided he wanted to walk into school by himself. Usually I go in with him and help him unpack his backpack and put everything away. So I pulled into the carpool lane dropped him off at the door. Then I pulled over to the kindergarten room (which you can see from the parking lot) and watched for him to come into the room. He looked pretty confident, but that night he told me he was "shakey" and decided that he still wants me to come with him. I was relieved to still feel needed (but it WAS nice not having to get out of the car)! It's good that he's willing to take chances and try something new. Wish we could do that with food!

Oh, and he's officially 5-1/2 now! He wants everyone to know that!


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