Happy 2008!
I added our blog address to our annual Christmas letter, so I thought I'd check it out since I think I last logged on about a year ago. So much for frequent updates! We have all enjoyed some time at home together for about the past week and a half. Santa was very good to Jack and Katie this year. Jack got a bunch of building stuff comprised of about 1 gazillion pieces each, so that's what has occupied a lot of the week. Katie got her favorite animal-related toys: Diego's explorer house (complete with baby Jaguar figurine) and Playmobile Noah's Ark. She has developed a special fondness for the giraffes.
I am not much for New Year's resolutions. For many years I resolved to get a better job, but I've got that all locked up now. So I'll try the "lose weight" and "try balancing my checkbook once in a while" promises again. This year is our 10th anniversary, and I want to go someplace warm, so a bathing suit vacation might be my motivation.
Happy New Year!