Middleton Family Stuff

This is where friends and family can read about new happenings in the Middleton house, as long as I remember to write about them.


Summer is here!

With Memorial Day behind us already it's time to get excited for summer! This week we will have a nice string of 80 degree weather. We've got the patio table & chairs set up and had dinner outside last night. Jack and Katie were so excited. It's fun to get out of the same-ole-same-ole sometimes.

Katie loves being outside. Since we've never fixed our screen door after Zoey rammed through it a couple of summers ago, both Zoey and Katie use the loose screen as a pass-through to the back yard since neither of them can reach the handle of the door (and of course, for Zoey it's that pesky "no thumb" problem).

Anyway, we set up Katie's water/sand table and she can stay out there for hours, just pouring water all over everything (mostly herself). Now that it's getting warmer I can stick her in her swimsuit and not have to change clothes every hour.

Jack is also looking forward to summer and his annual, "find ways to get rich off the neighbors" schemes. Last year it was selling Dixie cups full of lukewarm "iced" tea for $1 each...this year he and his friend Amanda are collecting cans and bottles and washing cars. I'm sure this will fizzle out around, oh, June 9. This reminds me I need to get him to start reading The Great Brain, one of my favorite book series which I read faithfully every summer. It will probably give him some inspiration.

Sorry there are no pictures or videos this post. I will try to keep up over the summer.


Jack's big moves

Jack finally gave in to my nagging this year and played spring soccer. I went with a club (Westside Warriors) that has a short season - only about 4 weeks - with 2 games per week. The first 2 weeks were just practice weeks. It's Microsoccer, which means it's co-ed, three-on-three games with no goal tending. It's just a good way to introduce him to the sport. He loved it the minute he put on his shin guards and soccer cleats! I think this will inpsire him to try even more new things - he said he wants to play fall soccer too. Just a couple of months ago he learned to ride his bike without the training wheels, so I think that gave him a lot of confidence. This weekend he also agreed to join the Cub Scouts - I think he'll love all the activities they do.

Anyway, this is a short clip of a recent game.